Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Someone asked me what is love
is it good, is it bad
is it awesome, is it terrible
I honestly didnt know how to answer them.
I finally desided love is the most complicated of all emotions
Love is kind
love is harsh
love is wonderful
love is terrible
love is a cure
love is a sickness
love is LOVE
love is hate
love is meaningful
love is pointless
love shows the best in people
love shows the worse in people
love makes us speak truth
love makes us lie
love understands everything
love confuses everyone
love builds your life
love tears your heart down
love makes you smile
love makes you cry
love makes us cuddle
love makes us hit
love makes the world go round
love makes the world go crashing down
love makes things simple
love makes things impossible
love is always worth it
love is never worth it
love makes us smarter
love makes us stupid
love is enlightening!
love is BLIND
make love not war
make war out of love
love encourages
love scares
love is peaceful
love creates fights
love is soothing
love is tough

and above all
Love is always worth it
because you become a better person
everytime you love someone
from the simplest careing for a friend
to the deepest desire to love someone til the world ends
from the unconditional love of a child
to the complicated love of the gods
there is...no meaning to love
love means...everything

No matter how much it hurts you, or makes you cry
tries your spirt, and splits your soul.
Love is always worth it...because what doenst kill you
makes you stronger
And however long it takes
you will be, a better person because you lived, though love.
Werent afraid to make mistakes, choices and try again.
And...above all, loved someone no matter what people thought.
You would die for that person...but you would also live for them.
That...is the true meaning of love...

Hello N Thank You^_^

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


it's hurt sometimes

I'm standing here you just don't bye

I'm always there you just don't feel

or you just don't wanna feel

don't wanna be hurt that way

but its alright

i am still alive

still stand strong

it's enough for me..

for all this time..

i've been trying so hard

to make it better

not enough for you

always want to find something

so,be my guest

dedicated to all my friend..
keep strong, stand still, still believe, waiting for miracle

Hello N Thank You^_^

Monday, August 9, 2010


I'm tired.

Tired of feeling lost, afraid, misunderstood.

Tired of wondering if I'm letting someone down by the choices I've made.

I'm tired.

Tired of getting my feelings hurt, my ego bruised, my heart broken.

Tired of showing these varmin called emotions.

I'm tired.

Tired of being me, of being weak.

Tired of trying to be this person I cannot see.

I'm tired.

Tired of all the pain, all the struggle I've put upon myself.

Tired of not being the person I was.

I'm tired.

Tired of hiding, hoping, and healing.

Tired of listening, learning...letting.

I'm tired...I'm tired.

Hello N Thank You^_^