Saturday, November 2, 2013

1.....2.....3... CRAZY! Kthxbai ❤

'after wet surf' selfies.

Hello N Thank You^_^

Too cool for pictures.

 Collegemates that I care and I love

Hello N Thank You^_^

Friday, September 6, 2013

YPC Raya event w classmates❤



Hello N Thank You^_^

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Goodbye Summer, Hello September

Goshh , time flies and August has passed by and so eid-fitr. Breath in deep and say goodbye till we meet again on next year :)xx

Yesterday detail  : the photo was taken in the car on my way to my auntie's wedding at Malacca . 
Took picture because i'm booooored. haha  

Here some more picture that i edited. When you look me in the eye don't get melt. 
I repeat , don't get melt whehehe :p 

Anywhee , just short update before I hit the sack soon.

Hello N Thank You^_^

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Feels good to have someone who appreciates you of what you are :DD

Hello N Thank You^_^

I wont lose you this time :')

Hello N Thank You^_^

So what ? we're crazyphotomaniac.
Taken at Sunway Putra Kuala Lumpur

Hello N Thank You^_^

*poof!! I'm back baby ;)

Hey bloggers and who's reading this.. Sorry for being inactive for a long time that’s because I'm busy with college and other stuff :”DD so uuhhmmm I’m back x”DD

                                               Love & Peace,

Hello N Thank You^_^