Thursday, April 21, 2011

Mind Over Matter

My Childhood Hero

Most of my life has been fashioned after that quote in some form or another. I read it in a book when I was a small child and it took up a home in my heart. It is basically my motto. Be who you are or who you want to be without fail. Never let others hold you back. Never give up. A little faith goes a long way. And, always remember to smile :)

Lately I've had a lot of friends of mine come to me for advice. A lot of them are asking me to help them get some hater off their backs. Most times, its another woman, which makes me sick. Either way, I wanted to write a journal entry about being who you are and standing up for yourself, which is easier then you think. I want to dedicate this piece to the beautiful light which lives inside each girl, especially the ones who have others trying to snuff it out <3

Our Past

I used to think that I had to protect myself from all the bad things and people in my life. I had rules, ways of thinking, that would keep me distant and cold from some, and safe and warm with others. These rules made it possible to always say the right thing, always have the right look, and to always leave them wanting more. It made me feel in control because I could choose who got close to me, and I was very selective. What I didn't realize was that thinking in that way was very childish and was hurting my ability to grow in a healthy environment with positive influences.

Our Present

To error is human. Its what we do about these errors that make us individuals. Its not worth it to be this sadly distant lone wolf, thinking everyone wants a piece of you when in fact no one wants to bother with you. The more we worry about what others think and try to seem flawless, the more we harm our individuality. Personality is not about perfecting the imperfections. Its about accepting them and making them your own! Its about breaking the rules and doing what you KNOW feels right. Focusing any part of your life to be the most educated, the most beautiful, or even the most talented is a waste of time. I'm not saying that you shouldn't try your hardest to be successful or to complete your goals. Theres a difference between nurturing a special part of you until it shines, and obsessing over it until you secretly feel its better then everyone else. Being confident and feeling beautiful is great, but it starts to wane when you put others down for not being the same as you. After all, INDIVIDUALITY is the point here ladies! We will ALL be different when we find our inner selves, so don't hate your sister! Love her and nurture her beauty, talent, and mind!

Our Future

I know a few girls who have yet to learn these important life lessons. They try to hate on me, insult me, bash my art, or just plain bring me down.  They complain that what i've done always wrong,something that makes me stress out.They talk talk talk talk and guess what, talk some more. But thats all they can do. Talk. As girls, talking is something we do best, so let them talk! As with anything, we have a choice. We can choose to ignore them. The results are actually quite funny. Those haters and bitches have a personality which is compromised almost entirely of the hate they push on you. When you ignore them, they have nothing to feed or thrive from, and they're hateful personality slowly dies out leaving the true one behind. Its like watching a werewolf become human again. Words can only hurt you if you let them. So why let them? Its your choice.

Hello N Thank You^_^

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